
Investing in Brain Cancer - Part 3a

Institutional Investor Perspective

Important Messages:

The views expressed by the speakers today are solely their own, and should not be construed as those of their employers.  Further, the content of today’s discussion should in no way be interpreted as offering investment advice or functioning as a solicitation for investment.

Finally, any medical or scientific discussion today should only be interpreted as providing general background regarding the process by which investment decisions are made.  The listener is required to conduct his/her own due diligence, and seek medical advice only from a licensed healthcare provider.

Welcome Laura Tadvalkar, PhD and Klaus Veitinger, MD, PhD

MissionGBM is delighted to welcome two accomplished Institutional Investor colleagues to the “Investing in Brain Cancer” conversation today:

Laura Tadvalkar, PhD – Managing Director, RA Capital Management (Boston)

Klaus Veitinger, MD, PhD – Venture Partner, Orbimed Advisors (New York)

Over the past year, the three of us have evaluated various brain cancer investments together, running the gamut from company creation to syndicated investments in existing companies.  Many thanks to Laura and Klaus for sharing their insights with the MissionGBM community.

Up Next: Investing in Brain Cancer - Part 3b Strategic Investor Perspective

In a series of posts on MissionGBM over the next two months, we will examine the issues surrounding “Investing in Brain Cancer”.  In Part 1 of the Series, we looked at the Scope of the Challenge. In Part 2 of the Series below we outlined Therapeutic Strategy and how it can be used to build investable profiles. Parts 3a and 3b examine the perspectives of Institutional and Strategic Investors.

We invite the reader to follow the Series, and to ponder the challenges and opportunities that exist.  The ability to craft a solution begins with understanding the problem.